
Featured Article

Bee Active, Bee Healthy, Bee Happy Week 2020

April marks the beginning of the inaugural virtual mile, established by The Running Bee Foundation. The team behind MyFirst™ Virtual Mile is giving everyone in the UK the opportunity to “mix up their current exercise regimes or set themselves a challenge to complete …

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Covetrus at LVS ’19: meet the team

Covetrus at LVS ’19: meet the team

With only one day to go, excitement has reached fever pitch at Covetrus HQ. As tomorrow quickly approaches, the team are making final preparations before descending on London’s Excel Arena for Europe’s largest veterinary congress. This year, Covetrus will showcase …

London Vet Show ’19 | Survival of the Fittest?

London Vet Show ’19 | Survival of the Fittest?

Wondering how to survive your first years in practice? Well, Eleanor Price (Friars Moor Vets) will be answering just that at this year’s London Vet Show. Eleanor will be joined by Chloe Roberts (MD, Linnaeus Group) and Lizzie Bewsey-Dyke, (MD, Grads to Vets) to share …

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