Veterinary Marketing: 5 reasons why your vet practice needs to start a blog.

You don’t need to be Earnest Hemmingway to start a blog. You do, however, need a passion for your topic. And who’s more passionate about animal health than our community of veterinarians?  

Today, we examine why a blog is so vital for modern veterinary practices. While blogging isn’t simple, in the sense that results may not appear immediately after you hit the publish button on your first post, it is a great tool for your long-term strategy, that is, for those of you who are willing to put in the leg work—or in this case, the typing work!  

Why start a blog, isn’t blogging dead?  

Absolutely not. Sure, the rise of microblogging platforms like Instagram has pulled consumers away from longer-form content to some degree, but we still want those in-depth pieces which really inspire and inform us. Think about those indulgent long reads in the weekend newspapers, ingested on a quiet Sunday morning with a coffee in one hand, and a thirst for something that little bit extra in the other—much more than you’ll ever get from a microblog on Instagram. Here are our top 5 reasons you need to start a blog:

1.Keep your audience updated about your business 

A blog allows you to express your tone and personality in a way that your About Us section will not i.e. you have more bandwidth to play with storytelling devices, humour, and more scope to flex that wonderful knowledge you have. On a company blog, you can keep customers abreast of what is going on at your practice, in effect, letting them connect with you that little bit more.  

2. Build online visibility 

Simply put, the more content you create, the more chance you have of showing up in search results. But what if your customers don’t read blogs? Not all your customers may be avid blog readers, but no doubt, all of them search Google for information. If your blog happens to hold information or answers questions which need answering, they’ll find that information and discover your practice. These days it’s nigh on impossible to research a product or service without finding multiple blog posts and associated businesses. So, yes people do still read blogs! 

3. Increase internal linking on your website 

Unlike inbound links i.e. other sites linking to your own, internal linking is something that is completely under your control. You can add whatever links you like to any relevant area of your blog post. Internally linking to other pages and posts on your website can improve search on your site, introduce users to new areas of your business, and can also improve your SEO success (p.s. we just used an internal link!).   

4. Encourage customer feedback 

Good businesses give their customers the info they need; great businesses listen when customers respond. Blogs allow customers to engage with a vet practice in a way that, for example, a radio advert cannot. Encourage feedback and spark discourse by having a comments section on your blog. Encouraging dialogue with your customers is a great way to build authority and trust, plus, it allows you to see things from your audience’s perspective.  

5. Inspire a sharing culture 

Crafting blog content and sharing it on your social media channels is a great way to get discovered. Make your content shareable: informative, educational, entertaining, topical. Furthermore, instead of trying to pull social media ideas out of your hat each other day, simply share the new content you’ve created on your blog.  

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