Meet the team: Lyle Hamilton

Continuing our Meet the Team series, we’re catching up with the faces behind the business. Today, we meet Lyle, one of our youngest members of the team!

Name: Lyle Hamilton
Role: Sales & Marketing Co-ordinator

Words to live by: “Never underestimate the power of good morning texts, apologies and random compliments.” 

Favourite podcasts/books? Major Harry Potter Fan; Da’ Vinci Code, and The Lost Symbol (Both Dan Brown!) 

Tell us about your role at Covetrus: I support both the Sales and Marketing functions within Covetrus, and I do a bit of everything! I can go from meeting clients at HQ, to supporting our sales teams on the road—right through to working on projects to help the business stay fast-paced—and providing a central point of coordination for our Sales and Marketing teams across the UK. I also provide support to our Sales and Marketing Directors.  

What are your desert island discs: Kenny Rodgers all the was—a massive fan of ‘The Gambler’… also not ashamed to say a bit of Shania Twain blasting in the shower never goes a miss! 

What can’t you live without? Typical millennial—but my phone is my life: first thing I do in the morning (before I am out of bed) is check my Social Media platforms! 

What are your credentials/past experience, for working in your position? I left school to come and work with Covetrus, but for the past year, I have held the position of Managing Director & Partner with Idiom Marketing, a company specialising in supporting and promoting Tourism and Hospitality in the south of Scotland.  

How would your colleagues and friends describe you? Calm and tranquil…? (NOT). “Takes everything as it comes; will talk to anyone and everyone; potentially ever so slightly impatient (so I’ve heard)!” 

What do you like about working at Covetrus? I have such a varied role, no day is ever the same. The people in this company are so open and really good to work with – it makes the days fly by. 

Biggest fear and greatest love? Petrified of heights! Love a good sharing bag of Chilli Sensations (it’s really just one portion!) 

What values drive you? I’m a firm believer in being a team player and being open and transparent at all times (I often say I am an open book!). I’m also a firm believer in treating everyone and anyone the same.  

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working? I’ve actually joined the gym—it’s something I never thought I’d do but it actually isn’t all that bad! I’m also prone to the occasional coffee and lunch out (can never go wrong with a Chinese!)  

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