Price Updates

Download a Price Update file

Please select the format you require. By downloading and using these files, you agree to the disclaimer:


The information provided by Covetrus is for information purposes only and Covetrus make no warranties either expressed or implied as to the accuracy of such information or its fitness to be used for your particular purpose. Covetrus give no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information on this Web Site and accept no liability whatsoever in the respect of loss, damage or expenses from the use of the information provided. the entire risk of the use of, or the results from the use of this information remains with the user. Covetrus shall not accept liability for any consequential damage or expense or any liability to a third party incurred by anyone replying upon the information contained in this Web Site.

Covetrus is making the price update file (or price update disk, hereafter the “File”) available solely for the convenience of the person wanting to use it (“User”).

Depending on your existing practice management system and its setup, other computer hardware and/or software which you may be using to place orders or otherwise use the File (“System”), the utilisation and integration of the File in or by such System may not operate correctly.

User assumes all risk of the integration and interoperability of the File into their System. Covetrus is making no representation as to the correctness, integration and other utilisation of the File by/into your System. Covetrus disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the File. Covetrus, to the extent permitted by law, shall not in any event be liable for direct or indiret loss or damage and declines all responsibility with respect to the File.

Further, Covetrus prices may be subject to change/charge at any time, including at shorter intervals than the File is downloaded or provided. As a result, any orders for products or services a User may place with Covetrus shall at all times be subject to the then current prices as can be obtained by registered Users on the Covetrus website ( at any time.

Pipe-separated fixed-width format, including tax code column

Fixed-width format, no separators

Tab-separated format

Fixed-width format, no separators

Fixed-width format, no separators

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access these files?

You will need your website login. This is typically your account number (in lower-case, if applicable) and a password that is assigned by the Covetrus team. If you aren’t sure, you can get in touch with us and we’ll help you recover your password.

What do I do with these files?

The files are plain-text lists of products with their codes, descriptions and prices. They are typically intended to be loaded into a practice management system (e.g. Robovet, RxWorks). Our team can guide you through the process of downloading the files, and the support team for your system providers will be able to guide you through loading the files in and completing the price update process.

Which file do I need?

The support team for your respective system will be able to advise which format you require. Common systems include:

FileCompatible Systems
AT Systems

If you use EzyVet, Animana, Provet Cloud or Teleos, please discuss this with your providers as they are able to directly download pricing data from us.

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